Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hey guys :)

Check out our new blog... 
Isn't it super cute?

My lovely friend, Katie, just slaved labored on it for the past few days and came out with this beautiful product. I love it! She's a genius.. make sure to check her blog out here.

So today I started something new. A new challenge. As most of you know I've been working hard to loose weight... I feel like I've been stuck at the same stupid three-digit number for the past four years (college did NOT help) so as of late, I have decided to REALLY do something about it. I have always "tried" to eat healthy, the occasional granola here or salad for dinner but often times I found myself "caving in" because you know, I deserved it. Another scoop of ice cream? "Whyyy not?" A piece of cake after lunch, "surrrreee." I figured I'd just stay at the same weight anyway since I was working out (2-3) times a week and eating an apple every now and then.

Well folks, my logic=idiotic. I gained poundage. I knew where my lifestyle was going and I totally panicked. I was too high (for me) and I lost it. I wanted to change but I didn't know how. I wanted to see RESULTS, "common just two messily pounds!!" but for the longest time, I saw nothing. It was depressing and something I became obsessed thinking about everyday. I mean, I wanted to loose weight, so why didn't I commit myself to actually MAKING those changes?

 On a side note, why do we do that to ourselves?! Maybe I'm the only one...but often times I find myself OBSESSING over something so small and often times insignificant and yet...I sit back and hope that somehow, someway that thing will just come to pass. Well my friends, I have discovered one important thing, that THING won't happen, unless we make it happen. Plain and simple. 
We must act, rather than be acted upon.

So after many thanks to my sweet husband, a bizillion tissues and an empty church parking lot, I have now committed myself to change. Change of viewing food, eating out, exercising and calorie intake. Most importantly I have committed to a lifestyle change. The first step I have taken in this journey is joining the Y Be Fit program at BYU. (I seriously love working at a University..) The overall concept is to take a bunch of health tests in the beginning (bod pod, sit ups, push ups, flexibility, running, etc) and then have several one-on-one sessions with a health coach to help improve your life, focusing on whatever areas you want. Obviously, you already know mine. You then take the tests all over again at the end of the program and hope to see results. Fingers crossed. Already I have learned A TON about exercise, foods to eat and what works best for weight loss. Meeting with my coach also motivates me every week to stay committed to my goals and focus on why I'm doing this. I love it. We also weigh in every week, so the fear alone of facing the numbers on the scale, scares the crap out of me. Talk about motivation!

For more information about the program, you can check it out here... you don't have to be a BYU employee to do it...

The second step I have taken is the pledge. I have comitted myself to this motto and plan on reading it everyday, hopefully to memorize.

This is my body. I am in control.
I will live a healthier lifestyle because I deserve it.
I will no longer let this unhealthy food pollute my body.
I will work hard to achieve my goals.
I am strong and I will not give up.
This is all mind over matter.
I will put all of my excuses away.
I will stop wishing for the body I want and start working for it instead.
This is my body. I am in control.

Credit goes to YoungNHealthy. Yesterday I started their 30-day Challenge and hope that through blogging I can share what I've learned, my experiences, trials and proud moments. I'm excited for what the future brings! Any tips, tricks or motivation is always welcomed!

Have a wonderful Thursday! //xoxo


  1. You go girl! Thanks for the shutout, your the cutest.

  2. And by shut out I mean shout out...
