Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day pt 5:Recommiting

Which brings me to my last post...recommitting. I know this weekend wasn't the best, it was actually far from it but overall, I was still able to practice some of the tips and tricks I've learned from the 30 day challenge and my Y Be Fit coach.

For example:
  • I prepackaged all our snacks (these included almonds, reduced fat wheat thins, Babybel Swiss Cheese triangles, sugar snap peas, yogurts, fruit snacks, reduced fat kettle cooked chips, fruit (apples/oranges), reduced fat pb and a few more things. This way I felt completely prepared whenever hunger hit).
  • I made our lunches and brought food to supplement our dinners (for example, I made a turkey/avocado wrap with spinach for me and a turkey sandwich for Derek. I even brought the whole pack of whole wheat tortillas for lunches at Cole and Stacia's.)
  • I had amazing friends that supported me in my "different" eating habits. Stacia was so great about asking what I could and couldn't eat and how she could fix my meal differently to accommodate. For example, no butter on my English Muffins, no cheese on my eggs, hard boiled eggs for breakfast, Subway instead of Taco Bell for our "night out to eat," just to name a few. I seriously love that girl. True friend, through and through.
  • We went Smith's and grabbed more fresh fruit, yogurts and turkey meat. I always wanted to have food I could eat, on hand.
  • Stacia and I ran! Like a lot! I didn't get to the gym Friday morning like I wanted (due to late night packing) so I knew I had to squeeze in another workout before the week ended. (5x a week baby!) So Sunday night, Stacia and I ran around her beautiful neighborhood and watched the setting desert sun. It was gorgeous! I've never really been great at running outside but I found that with someone, I am much more motivated to keep a consistent pace and to keep going. Stacia is a great runner (even after having a baby!) and she's planning on doing the Star Valley Half in June. Her pace kept me going the whole time and we ended up running a total of 7 miles (with several hills) in about 1 hr and 17 minutes. I was totally happy with that! 7 miles is my new personal best and I hope to only get better. 
  •  Last thing, after we visited the M&M factory and bought a POUND of pb, coconut and pretzel M&M's, I knew I was going to have to pace myself. So I measured out my serving size and counted my calories. It helped restrain myself from reaching into the bag and grabbing hand-fulls at a time and just eating mindlessly. I would definitely recommend doing this if you're eating something in front of the tube. Don't catch yourself mindlessly eating! Portion it out and stick to it! That's the hardest part for me.

Anyway so that was our weekend and although I might have gained a pound or two, I know I'm going to work even harder this weekend to burn it off. You can see my mapped out schedule below and I plan to stick to it! I'm even going to highlight the foods that I eat each day, to see my progress. Hopefully this will help me stay motivated even more.

How was ya'lls Memorial Days? What were the challenges you faced? Has anyone started the 30 day challenge? Let me know! We're all in this together! :)


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