Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 2 and my attempt to eat out


So yesterday was day 2 of my 30 day challenge and I think I did well considering the one exception I had to make. My grandparents have been wanting to take us out for dinner to celebrate Derek's new job, so we picked last night (side note: I did not realize this was going to be on the same night as The Office Finale so I almost had a heart attack when I came to my senses. But no worries, we DVR'd the whole thing and stayed up until 11 finishing every last clip. It was brilliant. And I cried. I can't believe it's really over.....). Anyway, we decided to go to Magelby's in Spanish Fork and it was great! Such good food and I was perfectly full afterwards.

My day 2 consisted of:

1 whole wheat toast
1 TBSP. peanut butter (that's all I had but I'm going to get Almond Butter this week or just Reduced Fat PB, depending on the price..)
1 banana - sliced put on toast
2 tsp. honey drizzled over top

Morning Snack
Dannon Light and Fit Peach Yogurt
1/4 cup blueberries

Oven Roasted Chicken Breast on Whole Wheat (My sandwich consists of no cheese, spinach, pickles, olives, pepperchinis, tomatoes and red onion. Red wine vinegar and s&p. 
It equals out to 320 cals)
Apple slices (35 cals)
20 oz. bottled Dasani Water

Afternoon Snack
Veggie Chips (18 for 110 cals)

(No workout...had to get ready to go out instead!)

House salad (balsamic dressing on the side. I've learned ordering salad dressing on the side really helps portion control. It made me not eat as much and the salad was still flavorful.) 
Coconut crusted Island Mahi Mahi with Pineapple Salsa
Rice Pilaf
Sauteed Zucchini and Yellow Squash

Dinner was delish and I'm glad I got the gull to finally order fish because if you know me, I NEVER order fish. Ever. But I was feeling adventurous and I'm really glad I did. It was so light and moist and did not have that fishy flavor. Overall, I'd order it again.

Funny story.... so I went with my grandma who just happens to have a sweet tooth the size of the grand canyon. I mean without fail this women will offer me brownies, cookies, pie, cake, ice cream sandwich bars, etc every time we go over to her house! So dessert is a must for her. Especially since we were out to eat... so what does she order? The most decedent three-layer of chocolate-heaven-cream-filled cake, that I'd every seen. Huge slice. I mean, this thing could feed three people easily. So she cuts me a slice and puts it right in front of my face. Now, I haven't eaten sweets all week and chocolate especially is something I have been trying desperately to avoid. So I give Derek the look and he just nods his head. Slowly then, throughout the rest of the conversation (while grandma went on and on about the history of Spanish Fork and Grandpa's childhood stories), I took "bites" off my piece of cake and put them onto Derek's. She never noticed. Thanks goodness too because I didn't want to offend her since she bought our meal but I just couldn't give in. Not this early in the game. No sir.

So my sweet husband ate two whole pieces of chocolate cake last night but who cares, it will never show on him. Sometimes I really envy him.....

Anyways that was our night. We came home, had some friends over and watched a lot of The Office. It was wonderful. Looking forward to a great weekend! We've got family coming into town so it should be fun.


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