Thursday, June 13, 2013

Technically Day 28

What up guys :)

Today is technically day 28 of my 30 day challenge, so how do I feel? Awesome! I'm so glad I started this thing. It has completely changed my way of eating and how I view food. I now have go-to meals when I'm starved but can't think of anything to make. That has helped the most especially on nights when I come home from a long day of work and an 1.5 hr workout. I've never pushed myself so hard to stay dedicated to a program like this. I'm pretty proud!

Yesterday I made a HUGE break-through with my weight. After my morning work-out I weighed in at my first ideal weight goal before starting the Y Be Fit program! (I later changed it to 5 pounds less, really trying to push myself). I know it was a post-workout weight, so the numbers might flux a little but I broke through that level and finally saw THOSE numbers while I WAS ON THE SCALE. Huge moment. I almost cried. I never thought I would be able to loose weight without completely starving myself and rejecting every sweet treat that came my way. But I haven't. I've had sweet treats, felt full and have had energy to get through the day. Granted this way has taken me probably longer than most to loose the weight, but hey it's sixes. I'm not going anywhere and I will continue to live and eat healthier now with these routines and goals in place.

I am 5-6 whopping pounds away from my real IDEAL weight and I couldn't be happier! I'm on track to loose two pounds every week for the next few weeks until I eventually finish the Y Be Fit program July 17th. That is my deadline. Yikes. It's so close but I know I can do it! So when I say "technically day 28" it's because I will be continuing the program "technically"until mid July. That way I can wrap up everything together and see how all my goals turned out. I'm anxious but excited to see my end tests results and will post before and afters once that time comes. But for now, I'm going to just keep plugging along!

Yesterday I met with my coach again and had a real heart-to-heart about cutting back on sweets. I feel like I do "okay" when it comes to resiting my cravings but I know I can do better. So this week, one of my goals is to limit my sweet intake to only TWO kinds total. Which is going to be TOTALLY ridiculous because this weekend we are 1. celebrating my brother-in-law's birthday (I'm bringing BYU ice cream), 2. going up to the canyon for a family picnic Saturday afternoon (I'm bringing BYU brownies and Coconut Macaroons...uhghghghuhg my favorite), 3. going to Orem Fest complete with carnival rides, fair booths, parades, etc. (funnel cake anyone?) 4. spending Father's Day again in the canyon having a winnie roast and S'mores. Someone just put me out of my misery now.

In looking over my options and preparing now, (yes I know I'm a freak planner), I think I'm going with a dish of BYU ice cream and a fire roasted S'more. Sound like a good plan? What would you do!?

So there's my weekend mapped out. The challenge isn't over and life keeps moving on. But hey, I'm okay with that. Maybe I don't want the challenge to ever be over. I've made it this far and can't image going back to my highest weight again. I think I would die. Being vocal about this whole process has helped me so much more than I thought it would. I feel responsible to my one maybe two, faithful readers out there who in my mind are secretly waving pom-poms, jumping around and shouting cheers of encouragement at the top of their lungs, motivating me to keep going. So thanks, faithful readers. Your cheers mean more to me than you know.



  1. And I am cheering for you too. Bet you didn't know I read your blog! You are such an inspiration. You go girl!

  2. Thank you so much Suzanne! I had no idea! It's great to stay in touch this way. Really appreciate it :)

  3. Good Going My Friend!!! I can't wait to see the pictures!!!

  4. Thanks Kim! They will be coming soon!
