Monday, May 6, 2013

And 4 months later...

We're here! Alive and plugging along! So much has happened in the last four months. Here's a quick recap..

1.We still live in my parent's basement... surprisingly it's awesome. We love Orem, our ward and the great new friends we made.

2. I'm still working at BYU. Love it, no complaints. I just finished graduation and Women's Conference (my first real "big" project). I am looking forward to a few clam months before football hits. Apparently BYU football is a big deal...

3. Derek has been up and down and all around town with his jobs. Most recently he was hired on at a lawn care company for the summer and temporarily long-term subbing as a PE teacher at Renaissance Charter School in Lehi. So for a while he was working two jobs and coming home after 10-12 hours days. We are glad that's over!

4. Our newest and biggest news is that Derek was offered a few different teaching positions for the Fall but ended up taking a position at Brighton High School as their new Spanish teacher! We are SO EXCITED! It's a bit of a commute (Cottonwood Heights area) but he'll be working in a high school, teaching his major and will have chances to sub/teach PE (his minor) and possibly help out coaching for basketball. It's also in the Canyons school district which we are happy about and in a great neighborhood. He starts sometime in August which means I have only three months to learn how to drive stick-shift.....shoot me.

5. On that note, I DROVE Derek's 1990 LONG-BED, LIFTED, stick-shift truck for the first time the other night! I only almmosstt hit the mail box once... But once we got into the church parking lot we cruised! It's so much more the think about than an automatic and driving a truck is scary anyway but I think with practice, it'll come. Since he'll be the one commuting, it just makes sense for him to take the Kia. Not super stoked about it but it could be taking the bus.. or biking... ufgh....

6. A few weeks ago Derek saved up his pennies and bought me a 19'something 250 Polaris trailblazer/four-wheeler! I love it! Now we can go ride together and enjoy our summer out in nature.

7. I celebrated my 23 birthday in March. After work we went to La Jolla Groves for dinner with close family and friends and then went back home and had key lime, pecan pie and presents. It was lovely.

8. For the last few months I've really focused on my eating and work-out regimes. I'm much more conscience about what I eat and how to have a balance diet. I joined the Y-Be-Fit program on campus (a perk of working at BYU and part of their wellness program) and have learned a lot about my habits and body comp. I've also worked with a personal trainer and come up with a great work-out plan. So far I've lost 6 pounds and look forward to another 10 coming off! Beach bod here I come!

9. Yesterday I made some delish recipes! Like this one, Crisp Cucumber Salsa and this one Slow Cooker Mexican Pulled Pork Tacos (both for our Cinco De Mayo dinner) and then of course this Funfetti Cake Dip for dessert with friends afterwards. It was a hit! I didn't even feel bad eating it. Oh and in the midst of this all, I had to make these Caramel Pecan Cinnamon Rolls which you can read about (recipe included) in one of my older posts. The are the besssstttt... :) And don't worry I only ate one and ended up giving about 3/4 of them away...dang ward auction.

Well that's us in a nutshell. We love life and most importantly, each other. Life with Derek is such an adventure, just like he told me it would be. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I can't wait for the fun times ahead. Here's to a Summer of fun!


1 comment:

  1. Loved the post. Now I know what you've been up to lately! ;)
