Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thanks For The Memories

Hello friends :)

I have so much to blog about, it's a little ridiculous. There are so many BIG things happening in our lives right now. This four year chapter at Brigham Young University-Idaho is finally coming to an end and we will be saying good-bye to our first ever home in The Rexburg Plaza #408. Today is even my last day at work. After three years of being an event coordinator, I will be officially retired as of 3 o'clock this afternoon. Saying good-bye is the worst. Especially to good friends and memories.

I grew up here.
I am who I am because of this windy, desolate place.
I met my husband here.
I lived with a man for the first time here.
I've paid my first real bills here.
I've partied, laughed, cried and lost best friends here.
I've met incredible role models here.
I figured out what I want to do with my life here.
My testimony of the gospel and in my Savior has sky-rocketed here.
I met my best friends here.

And now we are leaving. Moving on and starting a new chapter. I have to admit, I am extremely excited. I can't wait to be done with homework, tests, finals, late night studying and papers and projects. DONE DONE DONE! It feels so surreal...the day I've been second most dreaming about (my wedding day was my first obvi) is finally here! YAY :)

In addition to all the packing and rearranging we've been doing, we have been enjoying some last fun moments.

1. Graduation Announcements- Our good friend Jenny graciously offered to take our pictures for our graduation announcement last Sunday night. So we drove to the famous "BYU-Idaho"sign (by the Smith circle) and took some last minute pictures. We ended up going a little too late so the pictures turned out slightly dark but it worked out just fine. I made the simple announcements at Walmart online and after one failed attempt, they turned out great. If you haven't gotten one but would like one, just let me know!

2. General Conference-This last weekend was General Conference! As a family tradition we make Eggs Benedict in between the Sunday morning and afternoon session. They turned out GREAT! And I nailed the sauce the FIRST time which is a huge accomplishment, considering it took me three attempts last conference to get it right. (Apparently you're suppose to use the egg yolks, not the egg whites, oops).

3. Dinner at Mall's- Sunday night after conference, we got together with some friends and had dinner at Mallory and Nephi's. It was great to see Amber and TJ and Mallory and Nephi before we all move and go our separate ways. We had a taco bar and played Telestrations, a super fun game that is like a mix between telephone and pictionary. Best line of out the night had to be from my husband, "Armadillo porage." He's so random sometimes and yet so hilarious. I kind of love being married to him :)

4. Itinerary- So lately we've sort of become obsessed with our neighbors-Tom and Jenny McKinney. Like, to the point where we hang out every night until like 12-1 in the morning so that we don't miss any free time with each other before we move. We love them. They have become some of our best friends and we are seriously going to miss them when we move. Anyway- in order to schedule in all the last minute things we want to do with them, we've created an itinerary noting every person's finals, work schedules and packing plans. So yesterday, as according to the itinerary, we had dinner at the McKinney's (frog eyed salad, crock pot chicken, corn, Caesar salad and rolls, with chocolate milk AND the most amazing desert I have ever eaten--Carmelitas!!!!) Oh man, so good. (If you want the recipe let me know!) Then we watched the Championship game, where my bracket proceeded to loose. (Thanks Kansas) It was a great night :)

5. TONIGHT- Again following the itinerary, we are FINALLY going to see the......
HUNGER GAMES!!! Derek FINALLY finished the book and now we can all go see it together. I squealed all night after I bought the tickets and watched the trailer twice just to siiike myself out. I literally can.not.wait. until 9:05 tonight. For me, this is like the midnight showing!

Well those are just a few updates about our life lately. My family is coming into town Thursday night and graduation is Friday, so it's about to get real crazy. Hopefully we have time to pack, clean and move out all by Saturday, we'll see. If anyone is free on Thursday we are looking for help to load the truck and trailer. Pizza will be supplied afterward :)

One more day. We got this. Wish us luck, love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on graduating! It takes a little bit for it to sink in, but then it's the greatest feeling to know that you're done!
