Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mini Series: OOTD #1

In my recent absence, I've been brainstorming new ideas to blog about because I've missed this creative writing process. For a while there I was on my weight loss kick and trying to get healthy (which quick update- nailed it. Doing great, maintaining, feeling great, yippee for plateaus because I'm totally fine with not waking up at 5am for the gym 3x a week). Anyway, I've been brainstorming for a while now a few ideas that I could write about and this is what I've come up with:

1. Food (for obvious reasons... I mean, I work in Catering. I practically eat all day and get paid for it anyway. But I thought if I wanted to blog about food I should start a food blog. Which I did. Which is here. It's a work in progress).

2. My love story (not in the gross, lovey-dovey, TMI kind of way but more along the lines of how me and Mr. D met, our first date, our first kiss and sealing the deal. I don't know, some people like reading that kind of stuff. Well, at least I do. I might come back to that one).

3. My Recipe Magic (This is a new website-y thing where I've started to post some of my original recipes and make some extra cash-ching at the same time. I'm rolling in the dough.. literally I think I'm up to .18 cents now. I might be quitting my day job but I still have to run that past D. You can even find my first ever recipe posted here, and help add to the bank. But again, I thought if I started posting recipes, I'm going to turn this into a recipe blog and hence extaco facto- I've already got one of those. Again, here).

4. Hot spots/eateries in Utah County (hmmm... I might be coming back to that one).

5. Movies
6. My attempts are trying to be craft
7. Pinterest fails
8. The things I see at BYU
9. Guys who dress like girls and why girls like guys who dress like girls
10. Men wearing skinny jeans (I mean really? That cannot be comfortable...for any party involved).
11. Obamacare, eh never mind, I don't care that much.

And the list continues. But what I ultimately decided to write about, is basically what I wear, everyday. Let the ooh's and ahh's begin.... I know its not the most original idea but it's something I've enjoyed "capturing" lately and looking back over the months, weeks.

Hence the mini series, OOTD (or for all you internet-slang-challenged: Outfit Of The Day).

I'm not a fashionita by any means but I like my clothes (most days) and I feel inspired in my girly-trendy-chic combinations (on occasion), so I figured why not. Don't get me wrong though, my go-to outfits mostly consist of my black stretchy yoga pants and a big comfy T-shirt (usually one of D's). But on the rare occasions that I do try, I thought I'd document. So let's begin the day with post #1, Maxi Wednesday.

Black Maxi (Cotton On), Peach Tank (American Eagle), White Scooped T (American Eagle), Tan Coat (Similar at Target), Accessories Lia Sophia Jewelry and Fossil Watch.

Forgive the poor pic quaility and the bathroom shot... it's probably the only mirror I know of that can capture a whole body pic, so let's be honest, you'll probably be seeing more. 

Anyway, more fun combo's coming your way and potentially other mini series as per mentioned above. Thoughts/comments are always welcomed.

Stay classy UT. 

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